Cyber insurance premiums are soaring as insurers limit what's covered, exposing a gap in cybersecurity financial safety nets, according to a new report.

It's never too early for a retailer to start thinking about the holiday season, although this year, they may want to delay thinking about it a while longer. That's because prognosticators are predicting a lackluster holiday sales season in 2023.

Software buyers are placing a growing emphasis on AI and value-driven decisions. Despite economic uncertainties, there is a positive outlook, with an anticipated increase in technology investments.

A new report highlights merchants' shift towards customer retention, with a greater emphasis on technology and loyalty programs to combat increasing churn and drive long-term growth.

New data offers deep insights into the best times to post on social media, underlining the importance of strategic scheduling for successful customer engagement and conversion.

In a drastic rebranding move, Elon Musk scrapped the perky blue bird that symbolized Twitter for more than a decade and replaced it with an enigmatic X.

Generative AI is set to revolutionize e-commerce content creation, offering personalized, context-driven content at an unprecedented scale. It enhances creativity, efficiency and opens new avenues for strategic content creation.

Discover the keys to Amazon seller success as we explore the effective utilization of tools that drive results in the highly competitive marketplace. Learn how savvy entrepreneurs navigate challenges and optimize their strategies to thrive and succeed on Amazon.

In just five days, the latest Twitter alternative, Meta's Threads, has garnered 100 million users, shattering a record formerly held by the wildly popular generative AI app ChatGPT.

Advertising by more than 140 major global brands is supporting the proliferation of unreliable AI-generated news and information websites. The ads appear to be posted on the sites through an automated placement system, most of them through Google, according to the misinformation watchdog group NewsG...

The retail sector continues to endure the full impact of cyberattacks, shouldering the weight of being the most targeted industry for malicious activities.

The findings of a new report highlight the growing urgency for cybersecurity measures in response to the increasing threat of email attacks crafted with generative AI.


The Future of AI in Retail: Beyond the ChatGPT Hype

Contrary to public opinion, ChatGPT doesn't render other AI forms redundant but complements them, enhancing customer engagement and product discovery, according to Eli Finkelshteyn, CEO of Constructor.

A new report has shed light on the risk of AI disruption, revealing that many jobs typically held by women are particularly vulnerable to automation advancements.

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